A sheep’s cry
I gaze longingly
The other side invites me.
The lush green pasture calls my name.
It’s everything I’ve longed for.
How long?
How long till I get what I want?
Till I am content again?
I want it. I want it. I want it.
I have waited far too long.
If I don’t get it,
I’m going on my own.
The wait becomes unbearable.
I set out.
Determined to find a better place.
I can certainly do better than this.
I leave.
Through thorns and brambles,
I make it to the other side.
It’s beautiful.
All that I dreamed of and so much more.
I walk further
It’s straight out of a fairy tale.
It gets darker.
I hear something in the bushes.
Terrified, I begin to run.
All that I wanted has turned
Turned into my greatest fear,
My biggest nightmare.
I pick up the pace.
I look back for a second.
All i can see is a black bear.
It’s literally do or die.
I run straight into gentle hands
They pick me up.
I recognise this familiar touch.
It’s my shepherd.
My keeper. My refuge. My strength.
I watch my shepherd fight.
Fight this bear with all his might.
The battle is won.
I’m on the winning side.
But there are scars.
I look closely and see
Nail-pierced scars that were borne for me.
-Melissa Monteiro
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